keskiviikko 1. joulukuuta 2010

Geeking for once.

I was browsing new stuff on and found new tracks to play at Drag Attack and other future gigs I'm working out. Good remixes of Tahiti 80 track made by John Talabot. My new hero he is. I also fould a great track made by Everything Everything and Canyons and other good stuff.

Last weekend I went out for the first time in ages. I was really into what I was provided with. Justus Könchke (Kompakt) played a magnificent set at YK main stage and got me hyped towards German minimalism again. Just something out of this world he is. There was a great live act called YÖT playing at YK basement. It was 4 guys playing analog reggae/dubstep that was really something for the future I reckon. Don't get me wrong. I deeply despise dubstep but they knew what what they were doing BIG UPS for YÖT! There was the guy from Neon Indian playing records at Nolla. He was a bit lost but the place was very funny because there was a gay guy who looked like Spock and one who looked like John Malkovitch in lederhosen. Can't desribe the sight really.

I had fun. Real Fun. Ought to do it more often.

Here's a few notes for you to listen to right now...

John Talabot from Permanent Vacation seems to be the most interesting cosmic disco guy out there today. He seems to tickle y funny bone time and time again.

I seem to get more into DFA-ish cosmic disco day by day and Canyons from Australia have been one of my favourite finds in ages. They have all the ingredients for good psycho disco.

There's also one track that is more upbeat I'd like to have here. By Silver Columns remixed by Disco Of Doom. A definite party starter this

Silver Columns - Brow Beaten - Disco Of Doom Remix by discoofdoom

Here's also a little something by Justus who rocked YK mainstage on Saturday. He was really something

Justus Kohncke - Parage by jug razovich

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